Because great relationships don't just happen.

I help individuals or couples to improve their relationship and make decisions about a relationship that is affecting their well-being. Our sessions will also resolve issues in other areas, as relationship problems often have an effect on people's health, careers, fitness and other relationships.

Are you currently dealing with any of the following?

  • Communication challenges

  • Arguments and conflict

  • Criticism and control

  • Lack of confidence or "tip-toeing" around each other

  • Stress from within or outside the relationship

  • Emotional disconnection and lack of intimacy

  • Commitment or trust issues

If you are then give me a call today to arrange a consultation and find out more about how I could help.

Research has proven that high quality relationships allow us to be happier, healthier and live longer, whilst high-conflict relationships can be damaging for our health. This means that addressing our relationships is absolutely crucial for our health and happiness. For example, people often find that they reduce anxiety levels, overcome depression or increase confidence levels as a result of improvements in the quality of their relationship.

I can help you with relationships with your partner, spouse, parent, children, family members and more. We can work alone (to work on things on your own), together as two people or use a combination of individual and 'joint' sessions  –  this option works particularly well for a large range of topics.


My work in this field is highly solution-focused, evidence-based and proactive, in order to enable fast and long-lasting change. You will also find that during sessions I do my best to provide an up-lifting, compassionate and non-judgemental environment. We start with an informal conversation where I discover more about you and the issues you're facing. Since every individual is unique, my work with you will be specific to you and will likely include in-depth questioning techniques, facilitated dialogues, and teaching communication skills. We will focus on solutions and I will help you learn more about yourself and your partner whilst providing you with invaluable skills, tools and strategies to overcome your relationship problems and achieve the relationship you desire.

“I am amazed how many good things have happened in my life since starting my sessions a few weeks ago!”

— QT