I have always been fascinated and inspired by people—by what makes us who we are, what makes us tick, and how we can maximise our satisfaction, effectiveness and engagement with this complex and challenging world. I'm passionate about helping people to live authentically and get the most out of life. My primary values are: firstly love, and secondly growth—I do my best to I bring these into all my sessions.
I have successfully worked with academics, lawyers, scientists, businesswomen, professional athletes, corporate executives, entrepreneurs, top healthcare workers and journalists on building constructive relationships, positive negotiation, effective leadership, goal clarity, career transition, work-life balance, assertiveness, and other topics.
I also have extensive experience in the corporate world; working for major consulting firms in London, as well as in the communications industry. Combining over 10 years of corporate experience in areas such as strategy and innovation with proven coaching and therapy methods, I am equipped with the tools, experience, and business acumen to create positive change.